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Electric locomotive series

QKT-2×156-550 chopping driver controller

1. The general chopping speed regulator for mining is developed and manufactured to realize energy saving ad improve electronic control performance according to the status of speed regulation of the domestic electrical locomotive, which has the DC speed regulation system of closed-loop control. The isolation door polar power transistor IGBT is adopted in the system as the main power switching element, and the intelligent logic circuit controls the driving composition. Compared with the ordinary resistance speed regulation system, it has the features of stable start, good speed regulation performance, less failure, strong protection function, significant energy saving and so on.

2. The general chopping speed regulator for mining consists of three parts of ZKT-2×156/550 general chopping speed regulator for mining, QKT-2×156/550 general chopping controller and smoothing wave reactor. It can be used on 20T overhead line electric locomotive, which controls forward, backward and parking of the locomotive. It realizes stepless regulation of terminal voltage of DC traction motor and controls rotating speed of the traction motor.

3. Reference standard of the product:

4. MT/T1050-2007 Driver Director for Locomotive in Coal Mine

5. GB/T12173-2008 Mining Electrical Apparatus for Non-hazardous Area

6. Q/HXDQ003-2011 QKT-2×156/550 Enterprise Standards of General Chopping Driver Controller for Mining

  • Basic technical parameters

    1. Rated voltage: DC550V;

    2 Rated current: DC156A×2;

    3 Maximum current: DC300A×2;

    4 Driving motor power: 78KW×2;

    5 Operating mode: fixed frequency modulation;

    6 Operating frequency: 800Hz to 2K Hz;

    7 Given voltage range: 0 to 4V;

    8 Voltage regulating ratio a: 5%~95%;

    9 Control operating voltage: DC24V1A;

    10 Voltage fluctuation range: generally ±20% of the rated voltage (it can be set according to the users' requirements);

  • 1 Energy saving: compared with resistance speed regulating electric locomotive, energy can be saved by over 30% at the speed regulation state.

    2 Stable start and high starting torque: stepless speed regulation is adopted, stable transition from start to full speed can be realized, and the mechanical system of the locomotive can be effectively protected. The locomotive speed can be controlled at discretion according to actual demands; and the tractive force is larger than that of the resistance speed regulating electric locomotive, and the working efficiency is high.

    3 Overcurrent protection: the current protection circuit acts in case of locomotive overload, so that the motor current is constant, so as to guarantee safe operation of the motor.

    4.4 Overvoltage and under-voltage protection: when the grid voltage exceeds or is lower than the voltage value set by the speed regulation device, control action of the overvoltage and under-voltage protection circuit of the driving box, and protect the motor and speed regulation device from damage.

    5 Non-arc make-and-break: in normal operation, all contacts of the contact group has non-arc make-and-break, which greatly extends the service life of the contact.

    6 Reliable setting: photoelectric setting is adopted with good linearity and long life.

    7 Block structure: simple, compact and convenient for repair.

    8 The closed structure is adopted for the speed governor, which has the dust proof and splash proof functions.

  • IGBT high-voltage high-power switch is adopted for the speed regulation device, and the control method is fixed frequency modulation (PWM mode). When the driving pulse is high level (+15V), the device is connected. On the contrary, the low level (OV or -15V) is cut off.

    IGBT is connected in the 'series connection' traction motor circuit. When IGBT is connected, the motor current rises in a linear way; when IGBT is cut off, the motor current forms loop through the freewheel diode, and the current declines in a linear way. Due to high switching frequency, the actual motor current is equivalent to the direct current. By changing the proportion between IGBG connection and cut off time (i.e., voltage regulating ratio a=TON/T orUout/ Uin), the voltage average value at both ends of the motor can be changed, so as to change the motor speed, and realize the purpose of locomotive speed regulation. When IGBT works at the switch state, the loss is very small at connection and cutoff. Therefore, the energy saving effects are significant at the speed regulation state. Various protection functions of the speed regulation device (soft start, under-voltage, overvoltage, overcurrent and so on) are also realized through the proportion of IGBG make and break.

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