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The direct-drivePC Pump motor

The direct-drive PC Pump motor

  1. Direct drive screw pump equipment in Daqing Oilfield

  Over a thousand have been erected in Daqing Oilfield. All direct drive devices are in normal operation at present, which satisfies production requirements.

  Compared with the belt drive equipment operating in the same area and with the same parameters, the comprehensive power saving rate is 28%


  2. Direct drive screw pump equipment in Shengli Oilfield

  Over a hundred have been erected in Shengli Oilfield. All direct drive devices are in normal operation at present, which satisfies production requirements.

  Compared with the belt drive equipment operating in the same area and with the same parameters, the comprehensive power saving rate is 21%


  3. Direct drive screw pump equipment in other oilfields

  Nearly a hundred have been erected in other oilfields at home (Dagang, Qinghai and other oilfields) and aboard (30 sets in the Middle East). All direct drive devices are in normal operation at present, which satisfies production requirements. Compared with the belt drive equipment operating in the same area and with the same parameters, the comprehensive power saving rate exceeds 30%


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Your local Huaxin Sales Team

  • NameKai Wang
  • Address26254 Prima Way Santa Clarita,CA 91350
  • PhoneChina:15234310529,US:+1 9095606525
  • FaxChina:+86 (0)353-4909788
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Your local Huaxin Service Team

  • NameKai Wang
  • Address26254 Prima Way Santa Clarita,CA 91350
  • PhoneChina:15234310529,US:+1 9095606525
  • FaxChina:+86 (0)353-4909788
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Your local Huaxin Cooperation Team

  • NameKai Wang
  • Address26254 Prima Way Santa Clarita,CA 91350
  • PhoneChina:15234310529,US:+1 9095606525
  • FaxChina:+86 (0)353-4909788

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