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Crane Series

LH electric hoist double-beam crane

LH overhead crane with electric hoist has the advantages of compact external dimensions, small clearance height of the building, light self-weight, small wheel pressure and so on. It is applicable for transfer, assembly, maintenance and loading and unloading operation of the mechanical processing workshop, auxiliary workshop of the metallurgical plant, warehouse, material yard, power station and so on; it can also substitute the ordinary double-beam bridge crane, and is used in the production workshop. The work type is divided into the light level and medium level, the operating ambient temperature is -25℃~40℃, and use in the combustible, explosive and corrosive medium environment is prohibited.

  • Operation type m/min Ground control: control room
    Speed Lifting of the main hook 8 (8/0.8)
    Lifting speed of the secondary hook  
    Trolley travel 20
    Cart travel Ground 20
    Control room 45
    Electric motor Lifting of the main hook Model /kw ZD141-4/7.5(ZDS0.8/7.5)
    Lifting speed of the secondary hook  
    Trolley travel YDE802-4/0.8X2
    Cart travel Ground YDE802-4(0)/0.8X2 YDE90L-4(0)/1.5X2
    Control room ZDR100-4/1.5X2 ZDR112L1-4/2.1X2
    Rated load lifting capacity t 16/3
    Operation type m/min Ground control: control room
    Speed Lifting of the main hook 3.5 (3.5/0.35)
    Lifting speed of the secondary hook 8 (8/0.8)
    Trolley travel 20
    Cart travel Ground 20
    Control room 45
    Electric motor Lifting of the main hook Model /kw ZD151-4/13(ZDS1-1.5/13)
    Lifting speed of the secondary hook ZD132-4/4.5(ZDS1-0.4/4.5)
    Trolley travel YDE90L1-4(D)/1.5X2
    Cart travel Ground YDE90L1-4(D)/1.5X2 YDE100L1-4/2.2X2
    Control room ZDR112L2-4/2.1X2 ZDR112L2-4/3X2
    Rated load lifting capacity t 32/10
    Operation type m/min Ground control: control room
    Speed Lifting of the main hook 3 (0.3/3)
    Lifting speed of the secondary hook 7 (7/0.7)
    Trolley travel 20
    Cart travel Ground 20
    Control room 45
    Electric motor Lifting of the main hook Model /kw ZDX62-6/18.5,(ZDS2.2/18.5)
    Lifting speed of the secondary hook ZD151-4/13(ZDS1-1.5/13)
    Trolley travel YDE100L1-4/2.2X2
    Cart travel Ground YDE100L2-4/3X2
    Control room YZRE132M1-4/4X2 ZDR125-4/4.6X2
    Rated load lifting capacity t 10/3
    Operation type m/min Ground control: control room
    Speed Lifting of the main hook 7 (7/0.7)
    Lifting speed of the secondary hook 8 (8/0.8)
    Trolley travel 20
    Cart travel Ground 20;30
    Control room 30;45
    Electric motor Lifting of the main hook Model /kw ZD151-4/13(ZDS1-1.5/13)
    Lifting speed of the secondary hook ZD132-4/4.5(ZDS1-0.4/4.5)
    Trolley travel YDE802-4/0.8X2
    Cart travel Ground YDE90L1-4(D)/1.5X2
    Control room ZDR100-4/1.5X2 ZDR112L1-4/2.1X2
    Rated load lifting capacity t 20/5
    Operation type m/min Ground control: control room
    Speed Lifting of the main hook 4.2
    Lifting speed of the secondary hook 8 (8/0.8)
    Trolley travel 20
    Cart travel Ground 20
    Control room 45
    Electric motor Lifting of the main hook Model /kw ZD152-4/18.5
    Lifting speed of the secondary hook ZD141-4/7.5(ZDS1-0.8/7.5)
    Trolley travel YDE90L1-4(D)/1.5X2
    Cart travel Ground YDE90L1-4(D)/1.5X2 YDE100L1-4/2.2X2
    Control room ZDR112L2-4/3X3 YZRE132M1-4/4X3

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Your local Huaxin Service Team

  • NameKai Wang
  • Address26254 Prima Way Santa Clarita,CA 91350
  • PhoneChina:15234310529,US:+1 9095606525
  • FaxChina:+86 (0)353-4909788
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Your local Huaxin Cooperation Team

  • NameKai Wang
  • Address26254 Prima Way Santa Clarita,CA 91350
  • PhoneChina:15234310529,US:+1 9095606525
  • FaxChina:+86 (0)353-4909788

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